Sugestion for the Development of Forage Production in Cheju

제주도의 초지농업과 조사료 공급의 활성화 방안

  • Published : 1992.09.01


Cheju Island has an optimal environment for herviborous animal production. However, the infrastructure has been degraded under the pressure from the development of tourism and thus the technological development for livestock production has not been great. This is the time to re-evaluate and re-direct the system of livestock production on the island. My suggestions on the development of grassland agriculture on the island are as follows : 1. Grassland area of Cheju, 65,695 ha should be maintained and the local government should try to improve more grasslands which can hold 3 or more cattle per ha on pasture. including enterpriseowned lands. 2. For better management of co-operatives village. the local government should evaluate the conditions of the grasslands yearly after being grazed and suggest a new management method accordingly. 3. In order to strengthen grassland research. it is recommended that Cheju Experiment Station be reorganized as a Grassland Research Institute or Department of Grassland Science be added. 4. [mport of good forage varieties. especially legumes, from foreign countries and distribution to farmers after adaption studies, are required to improve nutritive values of forage produced. 5. Methods for production of good quality forage seeds at rcasonablc prices should be established.
