HgCdTe 광 다이오드의 터널링 전류 계산

Tunneling Current Calculation in HgCdTe Photodiode

  • 발행 : 1992.09.01


Because of a small bandgap energy, a high doping density, and a low operating temperature, the dark current in HgCdTe photodiode is almost composed of a tunneling current. The tunneling current is devided into an indirect tunneling current via traps and a band-to-band direct tunneling current. The indirect tunneling current dominates the dark current for a relatively high temperature and a low reverse bias and forward bias. For a low temperature and a high reverse bias the direct tunneling current dominates. In this paper, to verify the tunneling currents in HgCdTe photodiode, the new tunneling-recombination equation via trap is introduced and tunneling-recombination current is calculated. The new tunneling-recombination equation via trap have the same form as SRH (Shockley-Read-Hall) generation-recombination equation and the tunneling effect is included in recombination times in this equation. Chakrabory and Biswas's equation being introduced, band to band direct tunneling current are calculated. By using these equations, HgCdTe (mole fraction, 0.29 and 0.222) photodiodes are analyzed. Then the temperature dependence of the tunneling-recombination current via trap and band to band direct tunneling current are shown and it can be known what is dominant current according to the applied bias at athe special temperature.
