On the Improvement of Error Performance in the Differential Detector for 3-h CPM

3-h CPM 차동 검파기의 오율 성능 개선

  • 홍의식 (동양공업전문대학 통신공학과) ;
  • 한영열 (한양대학교 전자통신공학과)
  • Published : 1992.03.01


In the paper, the differential detection techniques of 3-h CPM signals whose modulation index is varied periodically are proposed and their error performances are analyzed. We select the modulation index sets which are proper to the differential detection and propose the differential detectors which detect symbol with 3 bits per smapling period of 3T and detect a bit per sampling period of T. Applying the nonredundant error correction circuit and viterbi algorithm to differential detection of 3-h CPM. We ascertain the error performances are improved.
