선박의 조종성과 복합항행견지에서 선로표식시스템에 관한 연구(I)

A Study on the Aids to Navigation System from the Viewpoint of Maneuverability and Combined Piloting of the Ships(I)

  • 발행 : 1992.09.01


The Navigational System is the Fundamental System of Port Transportation System and comprises 3 Subsystems, say, the Waterway System, the Shiphandling System and the Support System. The Waterway System of Navigational System is the important and fundamental System for Traffic Safety inside the Port like a Car Road System on Land. This study aims to make a Guideline for the Optimal Waterway System of Port Development and Safety. The Conclusion of this Paper are drawn : 1) The complicated Shiphandling Operations should be avoided for the period of Physical night Time for eliminating the Human Errors. 2) For the Maneuverability and all-weather Combined Piloting the Inside Turn Point Buoy and Begin the-turn Buoy should be mounted with Racon(T) and Radar Reflector for foggy and bad weathers. 3) The Seabuoy located in the Approaching Area for Pilot Station and making Landfall should be mounted with Racon(G) and Morese A Light for giving a Hint of Pilot Station to the Captain on the Bridge, and these Equipments of Racon and Light should be operated normally and effectively even in a Heavy and stormy weathers. 4) A Basic Practical Expression, 1/2 L sin D, for calculating the Extra Width of Cutoff Turn Regions was derived Originally from the Viewpoint of Turn Maneuvers and Maneuverability of the Ship.
