매자기 槐莖의 發芽에 미치는 環境 要因들

Environmental factors influencing on tuber germination in scirpus maritimus l.

  • 발행 : 1992.04.01


The effects of nacl concentration, temperatura, light and growth regulator(GA3, kinetin) on the tuber germination of s. maritimus were investigated. The germination percentage increased with decreasing nacl, showing salt tolerance through time, and with increasing temperature untile 20~30oC light / dark (12/12 hr) of optimal temperature. The multiplication of nacl and temperature on germination percentage and velocity, increased significantly in higher temperature than lower temperature in saline. The germination percentage showed high value in dark condition than in light condition which is the charracteristics of underground organ. and ga3 act as germination stimulator to overcome the inhibitory effect of nacl. The effect of ga3 showed significant differances on tubers of s. maritimus of germination but that of kinetin had a litter sffects on germination. Factors of nacl and temperature interacted significantly and the effects of nacl on germination percentage and velocity depended on temperature condition.
