濟州 地域에서 개망초의 發芽 習性 및 耐陰性과 群落特性

Germanition, Shade Toarance and Community Characteristics on $\emph{Erigeron annuus}$ L.in Cheju

  • 발행 : 1992.04.01


This dissertation, which has been prepared in the region of cheju(33o31'N, 126o32'E) from may,1987 to appril, 1989, is to elucidate the dominant characteristics of early stages in secondary succession, by examining the life history of erigeron annuus for the seeding depth of a seed was dependent upon the degree of shading. That is, on the area of ocm,the more tense the shading was, the more germination percentage was increased, while, in the case of 1.5cm, it was somewhat increased, when shading bwcame ess and less tense. The rosette of e. annuus, through its relative light intensity was decreased by shading, up to 5% of natural light, showed some strong shade tolerance, which had no difficulty in matter production. The species diversity of mixed-species community was the highest in the middle of April, the lowest in the last of may. The dominance index was the highest in the late may, the lowest in the middle of April. Toward the end of may, the occupation rate of dominance species was the highest. There was a neutral relationship between intraspecific and interspecific, owing to the differentiation of its niche, temporally and spatially. Productive structure of the community revealed a narrow leaf type which was concentratively distributed in the mid part of community height. The relative light intensity of community ground surface was 6.1%, the leaf inclination 60o,the extinction coefficient(k) 0.4, biomass of community 1,045.6 g.d.w./m2,T/Rratio 9.3, C/Frate 7.0 and sumgermanition, shade toarance and community characteristics on erigeron annuus l.in chejumed leaf area index 3.88. through the various life cycles o e.annuus, we can say that it decreases mortality of seeding caused by some stress and disturbance, for germination lasts for a long time at any opportunity available, and it promotes population growth. The strong shade tolerance of a rosette and the variableness of a life from differentiate the niche between intraspecific and interspecific within the community, and avoid the direct competition between them, thus poromoting community growth.
