한국 신종교 의례복식 고찰 (I)

A Study on the Ritual Dress of Korean new Religions

  • 발행 : 1992.11.01


This thesis researched the ritual dress of Korean new religions such as Suungyo, Mirubulgyo, Taejonggyo and WonBuddhism, According to kind, color, cloth and shape this thesis analyzed the ritual dress of them on the basis of its literatures. I. The results of the ritual dress of them through its literatures are as follows: 1. In case of Suungyo, there are Songwansonbok, Togwandobok, Pulmogwan, Ch'onui, Chap'ae , Yukhwangang, Pobdae, Hakp'yo and Kyonjang in its kind. In its color there are Huk, Cha, Hoe, Chahwang, Hong, Paek, Hwang, ROk, and Nam. Chemical fiber with one layer is used in its cloth. Its shape is made by a comprise between the feature of Korean dress, chuui and that of the existing dress of Confucianim, Buddhism and Taoism. 2. In case of Mirukbulgyo, Inhwag-wan, Chongbok, P'oui, Tae, Moson, Yomju and tanju are systematized in its kind. In its color there are Paek, Huk, ch'ong,Chok, Ok and Rok, Kongdan and chemical fiber with one layer are used in its cloth. Its shape has a symbolic form of Yu'Pul and son based upon Korean dress, Chuui. In its symbol Inhwagwan symbolized Confucianism and Chongbok Taoism and P'oui Buddhism. 3. In case of Taejonggyo, there are Chusabok, Sjhobok, Yewonbok, Chusamo, Yewonmo, Tae and Hwa in its kind. In its color there are Paek(main one), Nam, Huk, Chaju, Chok, Hwang and Hoe. Kongdan with both sides is elaborately used in its cloth. Its shape thken from Korean dress means the succession of the national spirit of the white-clad folk. 4. In case of won Buddhism, there are kybok and Pobrak in its kind. In its color there are Paek, Huk and Hoe---especially, both Hwangt'o and Hwang are used in Pobrak, Anyone can use cloth at his will. In its shape Kyoblk for man is Yangbok and Kyobok for woman is Tongch'ima and Chogori, a style of Korean dress. Pobrak is a form Tanryong worm with Rakja.
