여성잡지에 나타난 사회적 의미변화에 관한 연구

A Study on the Changes of Social Meaning of Korean Clothing in Women's magazine

  • 황선진 (성균관대학교 의상학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.05.01


The present research analyzed the social meaning of Korean clothing in women's magazine. The data were included the advertisements and publicity related to Korean clothing in two women's magazines and condensed at 5 year intervals with content analysis. The identified 276 advertisements and publicity were categorized into four areas. The categories were the trend of exterior growth of advertisements and publicity, appeals and approach, the elements of advertisements and publicity including background, the relation of models, situations, and styles of Korean clothing over times. The results of the study were as Follows: 1. In conjunction with external growth of advertisements and publicity of Korean clothing, the social meaning of Korean clothing has changed from ceremonial clothing to daily-wear clothing. Especially since 1980, the theme of advertisement and publicity of Korean clothing were changed form the beauty of traditional Korean clothing such as grace of dignity to the individuality which was the typical value of western Clothing. 2. The trends of appeals related to Korean clothing and applied Korean clothing have reflected the changing time and society. Since 1980, the emotional or mixed approach with metaphor have increased, whereas factual or situational approach were dominated in 1960s and 1970s. 3. The styles including silhouette, detail, textile and pattern of Korean clothing and applied Korean clothing also reflected the changing trends of Korean society. Especially since 1980, the applied style of Korean clothing has adopted the trends of western clothing. Implications for the future research were suggested.
