A study on acidity in fog, dew and frost was carried out. Samples were taken during May 1990-February 1991 at two sites in Chongwon, Choongbook. The acidity of dew and of fog collected from grass at site A was 4.89 and 5.46, respectively. Dew in summer showed very strong acidity. The volume of dew deposited on grass was much less than the volume of rain, but dew is effective to diffuse acid predursors and acid materials. Dew and fog can remove more effectively atmospheric acid materiasl deoposited on grass by diurnal turbulent motion rather than direct absorption of acid predursors and materials in the atmosphere. In a polluted area, acidic dew and fog can be occurred by the direct absorption and oxidation of acidic predursors in the atmosphere as well as the role of wet removal on grass surface. Acidity of frost collected on teflon surface showed little difference to acidity of dew and fog on teflon surface. This suggests a similar absorption mechanism of atmospheric precursors and materials into dew and frost in the atmosphere. Strong acidity in dew, fog and frost appeared to occur from local pollution sources of several ten kilometres. In particular, strong acidity in dew, fog, and frost together with acid rain can accelerate a damage in ecosystems. Discussion is made on scientific analyses and seasonal variations of acidity of fog, dew and frost. A mechanism on acidification of fog, dew and frost is also discussed.