혈관수술에 대한 임상적 고찰

Clinical Experience with Vascular Surgery

  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


The vascular surgery is the field that has developed in early 20 century and is progressing nowadays. Recent advance in surgical technique accompanying with excellent medical diagnosis and treatment, prompt angiographic usage, development of variable prosthetic material, and concomitant use of anti-coagulant have made remarkable results of vascular surgery. 83 cases of vascular surgery have been performed at Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Pusan National Unversity Hosaital since 1971 till 1990, for 20 years and their results are followed. Patient ductus arteriosus and Buerger`s disease were omited in this study. 1. The age distribution shows that the fifth and sixth decades are most frequently affected and mean age was 56.1 years old. Male to female ratio is 1: 2.32. 2. Among the 83 cases of all, number of occlusive vascular disease is 46 and that of aneurysmal disease is 33. 3. In clinical manifestation, most common symptom of occlusive disease is pulselessness and pain was next. Mass sensation is most commonly complained by patients of aneurysmal disease. 4. CT scan was more important in diagnosis of aneurysmal diseases and angiogram was more commonly used in occlusive diseases. 5. The common site of arterial occlusion was common iliac artery, femoral artery, aortic bifurcation, and external iliac artery, as its frequency rate. The most commonly affecting portion of aortic aneurysm was abdminal aorta, and descending thoracic aorta and femoral artery were next 6. Preoperative associated diseases were atherosclerosis[41 cases], hypertension[21 cases], valvular heart disease[11 cases], and diabetes mellitus[9 cases], etc, 7. Operative methods in ocllusive diseases were thrombectomy[36.9%], endarterectomy [10.9%], and bypass graft insertion[52.7%]. Among the bypass graft, Y-graft was used in 7 case, straight graft was used in 17 cases, and saphenous venous graft was used in 2 cases. 8. Postoperative complications were developed in 17 cases, and morbidity rate was 36. 9. Eleven patient were died within 1 month after operation, so operative mortality rate was 13.3%. 10. Duration of patency was beteween 7 and 58 months[average 27.5 months] in occlusive diseases and their 5-year patency rate was 56.3%. Duration of patency of aneurysmal disease was 20 months in aveage and their 5-year patency rate was 51.3%. 11. Patients of eleven cases of occlusive disease and two cases of aneurysmal disease required reoperation for variable reason. 12. 35 cases of patient have used anticoagulants: coumadin, ticlid, and persanthin-ASA combination.
