심정지액의 oxygenation이 심근보호에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Oxygenated Crystalloid Cardioplegia for Myocardial Protection

  • 발행 : 1992.11.01


Current methods of myocardial protection has been improved with cardioplegia and hypothermia. We compared St. Thomas hospital cardiopleic solution without oxygenation[Group I], with oxygenation[Group II] and with oxygenation with filter[Group III] under isolated working heart model. Heart rate recovery was more significantly improved in Group II than Group I after 15 minutes of recovery time [p<0.05]. Maximal systolic pressure shows no difference as it increases with time. Cardiac ouputs were not diffrent between groups. Recovery time was shorter significantly in group II and group III than group I [p<0.05] Use of filter showed no difference. As a conclusion, oxygenated cardioplegic solutions improves ability to protect the heart against ischemia and it is manifested by improved recovery time and heart rate.
