Bronchoaortic Fistula

기관지 대동맥루

  • Published : 1992.10.01


Bronchoartic Fistula Secondary to Pulmoanry Tuberculosis Bronch-aortic fistula is a exceptionally rare complication of pulmonary tuberculosis. We report herein, a case of 39 years woman who underwent successful repair of aor-tobronchofistula. She was admitted because of massive hemoptysis via emergency room, she had several bouts of massive hemoptysis prior to hospitalization. Thoracic-aortic pseudoaneurysm had detected by chest CT by chance. The eroded, perforated descending aorta was repaired with patch aortoplasty during temporarily clamping, followed by Left lower lobectomy and omentopexy. Pathological examination revealed pulmonary tuberculosis of superiror seg. of lerg lower lobe and aortitis. The patient had uneventful recovery was well at OPD follow-up check.
