어머니의 언어통제유형과 그에 대한 아동의 인지 연구

A Study on Maternal Verbal Control Pattens and Children's Recognition against those

  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


A Study on Maternal Verbal Control Patterns and Children's Recognition against those. The primary objective of the material presented in this dissertation is the analysis of the maternal verbal control patterns. The major focus is given to the differences between maternal verbal control patterns and children's recognition against those. The purspoe of this study were; 1) to investigate the maternal verbal control patterns recognized by children according to their family and personal surroundings; 2) to investigate the verbal control patterns in mother's response according to the differences of family and personal surroundings; 3) to find the differences between children's recognition and maternal verbal control patterns; 4) How the maternal verbal control patterns recognized by children are? The materials of this study were 81(37; boys, 44; girl)) from kindergarten in Seou. The sample of age used in this study was 5 to 7 years old. The test about maternal verbal environment used the question sheet for reaction between mother and children by Gumperz. The kids got interviews with same questions as mothers with question sheet. The statistical tools used is the analysis of the data were frequency, crosstab, and t-test. The result of the study were summarized as follows; 1) The maternal verbal control patterns recognized by children had differences according to whether living with grand-parent or not. Living with grand-parent are more person-oriented than without grand-parent group. 2) The maternal verbal control patterns of mother response show the differences within mother's academic background, present situation of child, and parent's expection to child. The imperative verbal control pattern was more frequently used of low academic background who just fraduate the middle or high school. The personal verbal control pattern was more frequently used of high educational background's like university graduate or more educated group. 3) The differences between maternal verbal control patterns with children's recognition and with mother response is that mother responseis more person-oriented than children's. 4) The imperative verbal control pattern used command, verbal purnishment, and physical purnishment. the status-oriented verbal control pattern used univesal positional appeals and limited positional appeals. The person-oriented verbal control pattern used child-oriented cognitive affective appeals.
