지체장애인의 심리적 재활을 위한 성격 및 가치관 분석

An Analysis of Value and Personality for the Crippled Person's Psychological Rehabilitation

  • 엄익곤 (대구대학교 사회개발대학원 사회복지학과) ;
  • 김규수 (대구대학교 사회개발대학원 사회복지학과)
  • Eum Ik-Gon (Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Social Development Taegu University) ;
  • Kim Kyu-Soo (Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Social Development Taegu University)
  • 발행 : 1992.08.01


This study is search for analyzed the primary factor of psychological characters of crippled person toward psychological rehabilitation that is the most foundmental to all rehabilitation for a crippled person. The research is, make a comparative analyze to personality character, value character, and motion, and then examined the relation of among then, by applies to high school's crippled students. First. in the personality character aspect, a group of crippled student's is shown that the factor of family relations is lack harmony than normal group, that is, shown up that a parents and family members is oversensitiveness to crippled person, So sometimes they overprotectiveness, unconcered, and not accept it is. Also, in the factor of confrontability aspect, a group of crippled person's average is shown to high as compared with normal group, and then, it shown that they are irresponsible, have a weak self-control, and show a marked trend toward self-control. This is means that crippled person have scruples about psychological and social adaptation. But friendship, adaptability, cheefulness. and emotonal stability is shown no difference with normal person. Accordingly, in the personality aspect, the falter of family-relation and confrontability can be know that the object of psychological rehabilitation. Second, in the sence of value aspect, crippled students is show that the average score had higher than normal group toward the factor of variety, therefor we can know that they have purpose to more pursur of variety in the living. This is consideration that a raise from the limited of social contact chance and badly informed and experience. Also, the factor of purpose-intention is shown that crippled students had low non than normal group, then, that means that they have a weak will toward cope with various problems in daily living. Crippled student is, in contrast to lacked fixed purpose with self-living, and also insufficient tring to accomplish their objects. Third, crippled students motion shown that related to low level of personality character and a sence of value factor. Daily living activity is show that related to the factors of confrontability and cheerfulness. This means that rehabilitation service given a change to confrontability and cheerfulness that can be effect is related. And the activity of home is related with confrontability, psychological rehabilitation for the change of activity is can say that it should be contribute to strengthen toward responsibility and self-control from self-central to intention at rho others. Fourth, the relation between an motion and a value of crippled student is shown low level of regulations that can be ignore. In sum, in the rehabilitation of crippled person, hereafter, a study subject is if which search to character factor and to find out effect inter-factors within the the factor of psychological rehabilitation as medical, occupational, social rehabilitation, then probably more effective development toward rehabilitation programs. Conseguently, hereafter for the crippled person's rehabilitaton, the study should be rquirement for establish a character and factors each filed of rehabilitation. The study sibject toward crippled person's rehabilitation for the fature is search for character factor toward medical. occupational, and social rehabilitation. and find out inter-relation among then like as search of this study for psychological rehabilitation. For the rehabilitation of crippled person, if is not preceding of study like this, it ought to be difficult to creation service as well as development to effective program.
