칠정(七情)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

A Bibliographic Study on the Chiljeong(七情)

  • 발행 : 1992.07.30


This paper is aimed at finding out the clue to the medical solution to the pathological phenomena of the dehumanizing and demoralizing state of our society by centering around the Chiljeong that originates from Oriental Medicine, Sung Confucianism and Sa-sang Medicine(四象醫學). In these fields,the Chiljeong is based on the theory of Eum-yang and Viscera(陰陽.臟腑論) in Oriental Medicine, on the problems of good and evil in Sung Cunfucianism and on the theory of Sa-sang Visceral Localization(四象.臟局의 理論) in Sa-sang Medicine. The principles of geneation of Chiljeong : In case of Oriental Medicine, Sin(神) controls Chiljeong and of it is stored in five Viscera, it becomes Sin in the Heart, Hon(魂) in the Liver, Sa(思) in the Spleen, Bed-Woo(悲.憂) in the Lung, and Kyeong-Kong(驚.恐) in the Kidney. Then five Viscera react with outer stimuli or Sin, it gives off Chiljeong as Joy(from the Heart), Anger(from the Liver). Thought (from the Spleen), Anxiety and Sorrow(from the Lung) and Surprise and Fear(from the Kidney) In Sung Confucianism, Sim(心) comtrols Seong-jeong(性.情), and at the moment of that Sim gives off Jeong(情), it becomes good when the Li(理) gibes off itself and then Chi(氣) follows Li, or Chi gives off itself and is regulated optimally, out it becomes evil when Li cannot preside over Chi and then shaded by cloudy Chi. The pathology: If the Chiljeong exceeds one's capacity, the corresponding Vicsera will be damaged, and the Passions(喜.怒.哀.樂) that may harm to four types of constitution severly are the Joy and Pleasure(in Tae-eum-in 太陰人 and So-eum-in 少陰人) and Grief and Anger(in Tae-yang-in 太陽人 and So-yang-in 少陽人), so one should be alert on some passions by regrding his constitutional frailty. More over, because of the variations in Sa-sang Visceral Localyzatin there is various ability in human affairs, but as the clumsiness in human affairs may make him hurt by it, so one should be prevented from these passions and human affairs, that is flowing Joy and Participations(黨與) in Tae-yang-in, flowing Pleasure and Dwelings(居處) in So-yang-in, explosive Anger and Companies(交遇) in So-eum-in, explosive Grief and Affairs(事務) in Tae-eum-in. How to clutivate the human nature: The ulitmate purpose in Oriental Medicine is preserving Cheon-Jin(天眞), that is following the Tao(道) by making him be in harmony with the Chi(氣) of the Seasons and by living a simple life. In Sung Confucianism, the way preventing the lustful desire and preserving Cheon-li(天理) is to observate derectly the calm, original place of human nature with reverence, when Sim has nat given off itself yet, and when Sim has already given off, it also is to meditating on one's passion and thought that the principle of good should be researched on or the evil should be cut off according to it's being good or evil. Such like as these various aspects of research on the Chiljeong it will be helpful in understanding human nature by producing the various materials on it, moreover, by doing so, we can lead out appropriate solution on the confusions of judgement value and demoralization.



  1. 哲學大辭典 姜永善
  2. 意味治療 高柄鶴
  3. 哲學思想의 諸 問題 韓國儒敎哲學의 源流와 展開 郭信煥
  4. 高峯全集 奇大升
  5. 高大哲學會 9輯 退溪와 栗谷의 人心道心說 比較硏究, 哲學硏究 金基鉉
  6. 性命論과 精氣神論 金洛必
  7. 栗谷哲學과 韓國의 性理學 栗谷의 實踐哲學 金益洙
  8. 哲學思想의 諸問題 朝鮮朝 初期에 있어서의 朱子學의 特性과 그 社會的 機能 柳正東
  9. 東醫精神科學 柳熙英
  10. 黃帝內經 馬;張(合註)
  11. 國譯退溪集 民族文化推進會
  12. 栗谷哲學과 韓國의 性理學 栗谷의 哲學體系 裵宗鎬
  13. 傳統과 思想 退溪哲學과 그 展開 裵宗鎬
  14. 林園十六志 徐有渠
  15. 中醫病因病機學 宋鷺氷
  16. 性理學의 導入과 그 理解 尹絲淳
  17. 哲學 宗敎思想의 諸問題 退溪의 人間觀 尹絲淳
  18. 東醫精神科學 李相孝
  19. 黃帝醫學 李東武四象說論考 李乙浩
  20. 黃帝醫學 李東武四象說의 經學的 基調 李乙浩
  21. 栗谷全書 李珥
  22. 精神醫學 李定均
  23. 哲學硏究 v.10 高峯奇大升의 儒學思想 이진표
  24. 退溪全書 李滉
  25. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善
  26. 張氏類經 張介賓
  27. 氣의 思想 全敬進
  28. 栗谷集 정종복
  29. 退栗 性理學의 比較硏究 蔡茂松
  30. 국역편주醫學入門 蔡仁植
  31. 遼寧中醫雜誌 抑鬱狂躁與月亮圓缺變化的 關係 賀海軍
  32. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  33. 四象醫學原論 洪淳用
  34. 鍼灸甲乙經 皇甫謐
  35. 朱子大全 朱熹
  36. 哲學硏究 栗谷心性說의 理氣論的 特性 張淑必