A summary on the recent studies on the nature of deficiency of Pi

비허증(脾虛證)의 본질(本質)에 대(對)한 최근(最近) 연구(硏究) 개황(槪況)

  • Won, Jin-Hee (Dept. of Oriental internal Graduate School of Won Kwang University) ;
  • Mun, Gu (Dept. of Oriental internal Graduate School of Won Kwang University)
  • Published : 1992.07.30


Pi(Spleen, 脾) corresponds to central earth and is called as the basis of acquired essence as it has the function of transforting and transforming the nutrients, keeping the blood circulating, and nourishing the muscle and limbs. Recently many studies to research the nature and deficiency of Pi are actively carried out. Especially functional deficiency of Pi(脾虛證) which occupies 60 to 70% or 88% in miscell aneous disease is divided into deficiency of Qi(脾氣虛), Yang(脾陽許), and Yin(脾陰虛), and tought to be positive when three or more such symptoms as anorexia, abdominal distension, loose bowels, pale face and weakness are present. Investigating the resent studies on the nature of the deficiency of Pi shows that Pi has the function of digestive system and also should be considered as functional unit of mult system related immune, metabolic, hematic, muscular, rnddocrine and nervus system. Various experiments as ptyaline activity test and xylose absorption test are used as an indication to deficiency of Pi and would be helpful to understand its nature. As deficiency of Pi appears in many disease and has various manifestations, further studies to diagnose the symptom of Pi using various experiments and oriental medical diagnostic method should be ensued.



  1. 黃帝內徑素問 張隱庵;馬元臺
  2. 臟腑證治與用藥 邵念方
  3. 韓醫學臨床病理 北京中醫學院(等)(編)
  4. 中西醫結合硏究思路與方法學 李種補(外)
  5. 脾虛證候的現代硏究槪況 勞紹賢
  6. 中醫雜誌 脾胃學說與脾虛證硏究 現象評沽 危北海
  7. 東垣十種醫書 李東垣(外)
  8. 中醫歷代醫論選 王新華
  9. 東醫脾系內科學 文錫哉(外)
  10. 脾胃理論與臨床 徐復霖(外)
  11. 中醫雜誌 脾虛本質的初步探討 張育軒(外)
  12. 遼寧中醫雜誌 脾虛證敏感性與特異性指標 初探 王學慶
  13. 圖光韓醫大論文集 no.6 脾主運化에 關한 文獻的考察 朴恩貞
  14. 本草綱目 李時珍
  15. 遼寧中醫雜誌 脾虛證動物模型硏究進展與評價 易杰(外)
  16. 新中醫 發揚中醫特色, 深入探討脾虛實質 陳潔文
  17. 中西醫結合雜誌 v.8 脾虛證中西醫結合硏究進展 丁潔
  18. 精校黃帝內徑素問 洪元植
  19. 金궤要略(仲景全書) 張仲景
  20. 中醫治療學原理 孫孝洪
  21. 精校黃帝內徑靈樞 洪元植
  22. 婦人良方大全 v.一 陳自明
  23. 侶山堂類辨 張志聰
  24. 中醫臟象學 錢承輝(外)