Effects of Stabilizing Thermal Gradients on the Natural Convection in Rectangular Enclosures due to Lateral Temperature Difference

양단온도차에 의한 직각용기내 자연대류에 미치는 안정온도구배의 영향

  • 김무현 (울산대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1991.11.01


Confined natural convection due to lateral temperature difference in rectangular enclosures was studied numerically and experimentally for the insulated and the constant temperature enclosures. In the case of insulated enclosure, the flow pattern and heat transfer modes are rather simple depending mainly upon Rayleigh number. In the case of isothermal enclosure, however, the phenomena of flow and heat transfer are somewhat complex and interesting due to the stable thermal gradients and various circumstances resulted from four wall temperature conditions. As a dimensionless variable, to describe properly the flow and heat transfer phenomena in the isothermal enclosure, temperature difference ratio ${\Delta}T_v/{\Delta}T_H$ is newly introduced and this parameter seems to be appropriate in the analysis of results on the effect of stabilizing thermal gradient.



Supported by : 한국과학재단