청소년의 약물남용과 문제행동 유형간의 관계 분석 -제주지역 고등학생을 중심으로-

Relationship between Drug Abuse and the Problem Behavior Patterns among Adolescents

  • 발행 : 1991.03.01


The purpose of this study was attempted to analyze the relationship between drug abuse and the other problem behavior Patterns among high school students in Cheju. In order to achieve these set-goals, questionaires were finally supplied to the total 379 case of 9 high school from October to December, 1990. The collected data were processed using the SPSS-X computer program and statistically analyzed by the Chi-square method and. percentage. Results of the study were as follows: Among the 370 adolescents, 32.4% of students experienced cigarette smoking in their life, adolescents who experienced alcohol drinking were 46.8%, 0.5% of the students ever used marihuana; cocaine 0.3%, stimulant 3.2%, hallucinogen and inhalants 0.5%, tranquilizer 1.4%, analgesics 31:6%, antitussives 6.5%, antihistamines 1.9%. And all students never experienced the amphetamines and narcotics. The rates of drug use except stimulant and antitussive were higher in the male than in the female students. For the analysis of personal identifying datum, the rates of experienced smokers increased among groups of buddhist and the rates of experienced alconoi drinking increased among groups of no religion. Drug abuser increased among the group lower socio-economic status student, the adolescents whose parents have traditional education point of view. And it was also higher in those who were living only one than in those who were living together. Most students tended to use drugs after 17 or 18 years old. Drug users were more inclined to commit other problem behaviors when compared non-drug users. In the conclusion of the above results, it will be necessary to investigate the drug problem of adolescent. Drug abuse of students must be seen in an environmental context including family, school, peer group and society and not solely as the characteristics of an individual adolescent. And their parents and teachers must be on the alert for the behavior changes of their children such as changes of school performance, neglecting homework, tardiness or truancy from school, runaway from home, and mingled with bad companions, etc. We must recognize that drug abuse is frequently symptomatic of problems in the adolescent's environment.
