Data base system for the information on science education research and development: (II) Analysis of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the Department of Science Education, Seoul National University

과학교육 연구자료의 정보 전산화 체제(II) -서울대학교 대학원 과학교육과의 학위 눈문 분석-

  • Published : 1991.12.30


The purpose of this study is to develop a data base system for the infromation on research and development of science education. As a part of this development, an analysis of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the Department of Science Education, Seoul National University was done, and using authors' classification system for the research and development materials of science education, those theses were classified. From the analysis and classification, the following conclusion was drawn: 1) The Department of Science Education, Seoul National University had produced 468 masters of education for about 30 years. Among them, only 107 theses were on the science education and the other 361 theses on the pure science. This means that department has not taken root as a department of science education. If it does not carry out its own purpose of establishment, it will not be able to justify its existence any longer 2) As compared to the increased number of students applying for the doctoral program, the number of faculty is very few in the field of science education. Without more supplement of the faculty member majored science education, there will be increased conflict and disorder among faculty and students. 3) The proportion of the theses on science education to those on science vanes greatly by the major of the department. This is the mirror of the faculty attitude to and recognition of science education and the faculty composition. 4) The classification of master theses and doctoral dissertations on science education showed that most of them focused on the secondary school science education and were survey studies. But recently it is noticeable that the theme of the study became diversified and has kept in step with the international research trends.
