Middle School Students' Comprehension about Analogies for Explaining Concepts Related to Electric Current

전류 개념 설명을 위해 사용되는 물희로 비유에 대한 중학생들의 이해조사

  • Published : 1991.12.30


The purpose of the study was to investigate middle school students' comprehension about analogies for explaining conceps related to electric current. For the study, 14 seventh grade students and 14 eighth grade students were sampled, and they were divided into two group, one group for implementing pictorial analogies, the other for analogies in words. The subjects are academically high achievers. The conclusion of this study is that the middle school students' comprehension about analogies of electric current is low. So the author of this study suggests that conditions as analog and context of analogy usage should be considered for the use of the analogies.
