Evolving IC's Role in End User Computing

최종 사용자 전산에서 정보센터의 역할

  • 이성열 (세화회계법인 경영자문부, 단국대학교) ;
  • 강신철 (목원대학교)
  • Published : 1991.07.30


End-User Computing (EUC) is one of the most significant developments in corporate computing in the 1980's. An information center (IC) supports EUC by providing end-users with technical assistance and consulting services. This study investigates the effective management and implementation of an IC in an organization with respect to the three sociotechnical factors : characteristics of end-users, social relationships with the DP/MIS department, and 3) technological infrastructure of EUC. An exploratory framework for managing IC is developed based on extensive literature review and results from interviews with IC directors of 17 large companies in the midwestern region in U.S.A.
