A Study on Leptospiral infection of Cows by Blood Culture and Microagglutinin Test of Serum in A Korean Rural Area

한국의 한 농촌지역에 있어서 혈액배양과 혈청철사에 의한 소의 렙토스피라 감염 조사 연구

  • 이병천 (반월 가축병원) ;
  • 김정순 (서울대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 허용 (서울대학교 보건대학원)
  • Published : 1991.12.01


The study on leptospiral infection among cows was carried out to find out possible role of this domestic animal as an infection source for humans, and the magnitude of economic loss due to abortions caused by leptospiral infections among the domestic animal. Bood samples of 459 cows in May and 446 heads in November 1989 were collected from 19 villages of Kyunggi Province. These samples were cultured and serologically tested. Only one strain of leptospires, most strongly reactive to Pomona antibody, was isolated from duplicated cultures of 985 cow blood samples in EMJH medium. Serological test by MAT with seven reference strains and three locally isolated strains was positive in 12% of the sample in May and 26% in November ; positive rate increased slightly as the age of cows increased and male cows had higher positive rate, however, there was on difference in positive rate by type of cow and area. There was no statistically significant association between abortion history among cows(one yearperiod) and positive MAT. Thus it was concluded that the leptospiral infection of cows may play a role for human infection, and the leptospiral infection of cow may not be the major cause of abortion although further study is necessary for definite conclusion.

경기도의 19부락에서 1989년 5월에 459두와 그해 11월에 446두의 소를 대상으로 하여 렙토스피라 감염유무를 조사하였다. 혈액배양에서는 포모나 항체에 강하게 반응하는 한 균주만이 검출되었다. 몇개의 표준균주를 사용한 혈청검사에서는 5월에 12%, 11월에 26%의 양성율을 나타내었다. 년령이 증가함에 따라 양성율이 높아졌으며 숫소가 암소보다 높았다. 혈청검사 양성과 소의 유산력과는 유의적인 관계가 인정되지 않았다.
