A Statistical Theory of Conformational Properties of Amphiphile Molecules at the Air-Water Interface

  • Young Shang Pak (Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sceinces, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hyungsuk Pak (Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sceinces, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1991.04.20


A lattice mean field theory is developed to investigate the conformational properties of monolayer amphiphiles at the air-water interface. By generalizing Dill and Cantor's method and by extending Whittington's recurrence equation, we derive the supermatrix recurrence equation which is applied to calculation of various segment density profiles and order parameter, etc. In deriving the equation, we incorporated the chain stiffness effect and the chain connectivity which are distinguished features of linear chain molecule. Our result shows that, as the surface coverage $\sigma$ increases the chain ordering process with respect to vertical axis of the lattice system becomes dominant.



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