수산업협동조합의 내부통제제도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Internal Control System of Fisheries Cooperative

  • 박이봉 (경남전문대학 경영학과) ;
  • 최정윤 (부산수산대학교 수산경영학과)
  • 발행 : 1991.12.01


The fisheries cooperative (FC) performs the economic and nonprofitable activity to get the fundamental objective of enhancing cooperative members' economic and social position. The internal control system fitted for a local FC should be required for not only solving the resulting problem from the complexity of FC environment nowaday but also delegating authorities and performance from FC Federation to a local FC by implementing the local autonomy. The methodology of this study is to empirically test and to analyze the condition of FC internal control system (FCICS) by the questionnaire survey. The actual condition of FCICS in Korea is analyzed by the questionnaire and the detailed contents are as follows : (1) sending 208 questionnaire consisting of 162 questions, and receiving 92 replies from 39 manufactures (business firms) and 15 banks in Gyungnam and Pusan area and 25 FC and 13 agricultural cooperative (AC) in Korea, (2) the analyzed results of FC and AC are treated simultaneously. In the fundamentals of above analyzed results, the evaluation model of FCICS is tried to construct from the relationship between the financial condition of FC and the internal control elements through the stepwise regression method. (1) By the stepwise regression method, the number of FC officials $(X_1)$, the experimental number of regular auditing $(X_7)$, and auditing duty years $(X_8)$ are finally accepted as independent variables, (2) and the final model becomes $Y=-1.53526+0.34455X_1+0.24513X_7+0.16585X_8$/ and this model explains to the extent of 47.826%. From the above study, following proposals are to be suggested: (1) The function and problem of internal control in FCICS is able to be improved by enforcing the function of FCICS and enriching the management's recognition of FCICS (2) The cooperative president can bring up good FC by the rational operation of FCICS according to the size and the performance pattern of FC, adding up to enhance members' economic and social position.
