산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering)
- 제14권24호
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- Pages.105-109
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- 1991
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- 2005-0461(pISSN)
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- 2287-7975(eISSN)
수명이 서로 다른 투자 대안의 평가
Evaluation of Investment Alternatives with Different Life Times
In the comparative study of investment alternatives with different life times. It is wrong to compare a long-life time alternative with different life times. It is to wrong to compare a long-life time alternative with a short-life time one by the same measure; therefore, a measure is needed which is suitable for the characters of alternatives. The purpose of this study is in present a method to evaluate investment alternatives with different life times and to explain the assumptions and calculating method.