Factory Automation(FA) in Korea firms and Development Strategy

한국산업의 공장자동화와 발전전략

  • Published : 1991.05.01


Investment in FA facilities has been accerelated since 1986, turning point by labor strife in Korea firms. Most commonly adopted automation tech, in their manufacturing process consists of NC. Robotics, PLC, CAD/CAM now on and further confused system oriented FMS, CIM, etcs. undergoing. But for all their remarkable notices in manufacturing systems, The competitive position on product cost, quality, shorten delivery and profit has never been recovered in global swing market. To make some empirical suggestions with a view to competitive strategy of Korea firms by FA, to the conclusion largely FA tech. adoption can be justified only when its application on new product productions and improved the structure of products comparatively. Because of when it was applied in old production process. The effectiveness is very doubtful to the lacks of consistent and integrate manufacturing policy with the strategy of the fim and their poor standardization level in shop floors.
