겉뿌림 초지조성지에서 제초제 처리방법에 관한 연구 II. 제초제의 토양 잔류성과 목초의 생육장해

Studies on the herbicide Application for Use in Pasture Establishment by Overseeding II. Influence of herbicide residue in soils on the growth of introduce pasture grasses

  • 발행 : 1991.09.01


Iterbicide resduc. cauicd ~rljul-y to ovcrsown pasture grasses \\hen herbicide appliccl for use in pasturc est;~blish~nt~nt lo gro~vth contro! ol n;rtivc ~r ~:cds and shrubs. 'l'hih L~sperirnel~t was conducted to cv;lluati. (he herbicidr residue anti its ph!:totosical ~riiiuence on the growth of introtluccd pasturts species. Esperimcmtal soils was treated with buthitlazolc, ~ o d l ~ l m chlorate, glyphosatc. U-46 anti paraquat each at twt) applici~tion rates. Lhcf~1i.s glowl~mlc~ including othrr pasture grasses and le~urnes were evaluatrd for tolerance to herbicide. IIerbicide residue in the amount ot injury caused to introduced pasture grasses was found in order of buthidazole, sodium chlorate, U-46 and glyphosate. Euthidazole was not available for use in pasture establishment because of their long persist of toxic herbicide residues. A great stand redl~ction of subseq ~ ~ c n t oversown pastures was also observed In sodium chlorate treatment. However, normal vegetative stand and grass production was obtained, when thc pasture grasses seeded 45-60 days later herbicide treatments. Glyphosate did not affect subsequent oversown pasture species in both grasses and legumes. fistuccr arundinc~cea and Pou pratensis were the most tolerant pasture species to herbicide residue while 7'rzfi,lium pyatense and Medicugo suti~u showed a wsceptible response regardless of herbicide.
