신개간지에서 구비 및 삼요소시용이 청예사료작물의 생육 및 건물축적에 미치는 영향

effect of Cattle Compost and NPK Application on Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation of Selected Forage Crops on Neqly Reclaimed Uplands

  • 발행 : 1991.05.01


A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of cattle compost application on the change of soil physical properties and their relationship to yield performance of selected main forage crops. Maize(CV. Suweon 19) and sorghum hybrids(CV. Pioneer 9'31) as a summer crops and winter rye were grown on newly reclaimed red yellow soils(Fine loamy, Typic Hapludults) under different application rate of cattle compost associated with chemical NPK fertilization, from Oct. 1986 to Sept. 1989. Experimental field was laid down as a split plots design with four replications. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Cattle compost application reclaimed soil physical propeties, such as formation of granular structure and water holding capacity, and it result in a great increase of plant growth and the rate of dry matter accumulation. 2. While cattle compost treatment reduced the portion of soild phase of the three phase constituents of soils, it increased the portion of air phase and liquid phase comparatively. 3. Organic matter, N, P, K, and mineral content in soil were markedly increased in the plot treated with compost. 4. Cattle compost application increased fodder production both in maize-rye and sorghum hybrids-rye cultivation. Annual dry matter yield of maize-rye cropping was 2183(NI'K only), 2425(NPK+compvst 3000 kg) and 2800kg/lOa(NPK + compost 6000kg/10a).
