A Study on Turning Gait for a Quadruped Walking Robot

사각 보행로보트의 회전 걸음새에 관한 연구

  • 손한선 (한국통신) ;
  • 전명근 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • Published : 1991.11.01


In this paper a new turning gait is proposed for a quadruped walking robot. The proposed scheme makes it possible to control the translation and orientation of the walking robot simultaneously. At first the feasible leg sequences which can guarantee a positive longitudinal gait stability margin for each direction of movement are found. A method for finding the lifting time of each leg of a feasible leg sequince and selecting an optimal gait among feasible gaits is then suggested. The proposed gait can be appled to control the posture of walking robots and to generate an optimal gait for a desired movement of translation and rotation of the walking robot systematically.
