In DCT,Image Data Compression via Directional Zonal Filters

DCT 변환상에서 방향성 Zonal 필터를 이용한 화상 데이터 압축

  • 정동범 (한국전자통신연구소) ;
  • 김해수 (안양전문대학 전자통신과) ;
  • 조승환 (대유공업전문대학 전자공학과) ;
  • 이근영 (성균관대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 1991.02.01


In this paper we have proposed an efficient coding algorithm using directional filtering. First an image is transformed by using DCT which has better energy compaction and then the transformed image is divided into a low frequency component and several high frequency components. The transformed coefficients of each parts are transmitted respectively by using huffman code and these are transformed inversely at receiver. For the directional components total edge images are reconstructed at zero crossing points. We are able to reduce the amount of data by getting of complex component and making directional angles 90. As a results, this proposed method is better than that of Kunt in respect of processing time and memories. We have 38dB of image quality with objective measurement of PSNR and 0.26bpp of compression ratio which is acceptable.
