연초 Crown Gall Callus 유래 Teratoma Shoot의 생장특성

Growth Characteristics of Teratoma Shoot derived from Crown Gall Callus of Nicotiana tabacum cv. NC2326

  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


The present study was conducted to obtain some basic information on the shoot formation from crown gall callus and the characteristics of teratoma shoot derived from crown gall induced by inoculation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58. Crown gall callus could be continuously cultured on the phyohormone free basic medium. The growth of crown gall callus was inhibited when BA were added to the cultural media. Shoot formation from crown gall callus fail to be initiated except teratoma shoot which induced on the phytohormone free medium after several subculture on rare occasions. Teratoma shoot could not form root and grow as normal shoot. Addition of BA to cultural media was not effective for shoot elongation, reduction in multiple shoot formation, but IBA was somewhat effective for shoot elongation of teratoma shoot, never for root formation.
