The Korean Journal of Ecology
- 제14권2호
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- Pages.195-210
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- 1991
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- 1225-0317(pISSN)
北漢江 上流 桂芳川 砂礫地 河岸植生의 遷移系列
Vegatation seres on the pebble area at ye-bang stream bank of north han river in korea
- Kim, Jong-Geun (Dept. of Biology, Chung-Ang Univ) ;
- Yang-Jai Yim (Dept. of Biology, Chung-Ang Univ)
- 발행 : 1991.04.01
The primary succession of the pebble area in gye-bang chon, an upper stream bank of north han river, was investigated by belt transect method from July to October 1990. The stsges of bare area, herbaceous pioneer, perenial herb, woody plants and pine stand were recognized from stream bank to inland. The change of the coverage in herbaceous plants increased with developing sueccessional sere but decreaser with increment of woody plants. The species sequence cyrves vs. relative coverage were geometric in pioneer stage and graduaiiy changed to lognormal y\type as the development of forest. The species diversity was highest during then woody plants stage, probably it would to be the edge effect. The soil properties were not noticeable difference between stream side and inland side. It seems that the vegetational developement was not enough to affect soil accumulation.