大氣汚染濃度에 관한 動的確率모델

A Dynamic-Stochastic Model for Air Pollutant Concentration

  • 김해경 (연세대학교 이과대학 수학과)
  • 발행 : 1991.12.01


The purpose of this paper is to develop a stochastic model for daily sulphur dioxide $(SO_2)$ concentrations prediction in urban area (Seoul). For this, the influence of the meteorological parameters on the $SO_2$ concentrations is investigated by a statistical analysis of the 24-hr averaged $SO_2$ levels of Seoul area during 1989 $\sim$ 1990. The annual fluctuations of the regression trend, periodicity and dependence of the daily concentration are also analyzed. Based on these, a nonlinear regression transfer function model for the prediction of daily $SO_2$ concentrations is derived. A statistical procedure for using the model to predict the concentration level is also proposed.



  1. 韓國大氣保全學會誌 v.7 no.2 大氣汚染濃度에 관한 確率모델 김해경
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  4. 응용통계연구 서울지방 겨울기온에 관한 확률모델 김해경;김태수