오존이 집파리 個體群에 미치는 一次的 效果에 관한 硏究

Primary Effects of Ozone on MUsca domestica L.

  • 발행 : 1991.10.01


Air pollution is directly and indirectly associated with the toxicology through the increase of mortality, the decrease of oviposition rate, and the decline of insect population, as well as the disruption of equilibria with higher or lower trophic levels. To investigate intrinsic decrease rates, oviposition period, and emerging rates of pupae of house fly under air pollution stresses, healthy individuals of Musca domestica L. were collected in the field, cultured in the laboratory for 2 $\sim$ 3 generations, and artificially exposed to $O_3 (4 ppm) in automatically controlled air pollutant fumigation chambers. Results from this study are summarized as follows: 1. Survivorship curves of both control group and exposed groups of healthy house fly to 4 ppm $O_3$ have linearly or stair-like decreasing trends of revers S-shape. 2. For cohorts exposed to 4 ppm of $O_3$, intrinsic decrease rate of cohort exposed for 2 hours significantly increases compared to that of control group, slight increases were observed for those exposed for 4 hours and 8 hours, which shows no distinct relationships between exposure period and intrinsic decrease rate. 3. While the numbers of pupae of exposed cohorts increase with the increase of exposure period, emerging rate shows a distinct decrease. 4. The relationships between emerging rate (E) of pupae and the exposure period (T) for cohorts exposed to 4 ppm of $O_3$ are expressed with the equation, E (%)=21.027 - 7.942 ln (T).



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