한국산 잡견에서의 단일 폐 이식술에 관한 실험적 연구 (I)

Study on the experimental single lung transplantation in the mongrel dogs(I)

  • 김주현 (서울대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학교실)
  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


We have performed 14 single lung transplantation in mongrel dogs transplanting the left lung exclusively from December 1989 to January 1991, in the department of thoracic surgery of Seoul National University Hospital. In the donor dogs, the main pulmonary artery was divided proximal to its bifurcation, and the left atrium was incised freeing the left veins with a generous atrial cuff. We used cold saline in the first 7 transplantation[group I ] and a Euro Collins solution in the remaining 7 transplantations[group II ] as a lung preservatives. The bronchus was divided at two cartilage rings proximal to the upper lobe bronchus take off. In the recipient procedure, we used a Fogarty catheter as a bronchus block. Left atrial anastomosis was performed first using 5 - 0 prolene and the pulmonary artery was anastomosed using 6 - 0 prolene. The bronchus was anastomosed next with 4 - 0 Vicryl interruptly and covered with a greater omentum which had been prepared previously. In group I the three dogs died at eleven hours, 5 days, and 14 days, postoperatively and the remaining four doings were killed at 5 days, 5 days, 6 days, and 12 days, respectively. In group II the two dogs died during the operation, one dog died at 6 hours, two dogs died at 6 days postoperatively. Two dogs were killed at 5 days, and 7 days. No significant difference was noted between the two groups in survival time, lung infiltration of transplanted lungs, and perfusion defects in perfusion lung scans. Of the 8 dogs which died naturally, the causes of death were as follows: 2 cases of sepsis, 2 cases of ventricular fibrillations, 2 cases of malnutrition, and 2 cases of respiratory failures.
