PSS 파라미터 최적화 및 최적위치선정에 관한 연구

Optimizaiton of PSS Parametes and Identification of Optimum Site for PSS Applications

  • 박영문 (서울대 공대 전기공학과) ;
  • 정정원 (한국전력공사 전력소제연구실)
  • 발행 : 1991.05.01


This paper presents a new algorithm to select optimal parameters and location of power system stabilizer (PSS). A new performance measure, which evaluates the share of a particular mode among state responses, is introduced. The gradient of the performance measure with respect to PSS parametes is derived in an explicit form, so optimal parameters of PSS can be obtained by the steepest descent method. The machine, with which it is most probable to reduce the performance measure, is identified as the optimum site for PSS application.
