변압기 철심용 Fe-B-Si비정질 합금의 철손 특성

Core Losses of Amorphous Fe-B-Si Alloy for Transformer Core

  • 김기욱 (한국전기연구소 자생재료연구실) ;
  • 송재성 (한국전기연구소 자생재료연구실) ;
  • 홍진완 (한국전기연구소 자생재료연구실) ;
  • 강원구 (한국역공사)
  • 발행 : 1991.01.01


For improving the magnetic properties of the amorphous Fe-B-Si alloy, we annealed the sample in a magnetic field oriented in the plane of the ribbon longitudinal to its long axis. By field annealing, coercive force and total core loss are reduced from 0.04 Oe to 0.02 Oe, and from 0.25 watt/kg to 0.15 watt/kg respectively in comparsion with non-field annealed specimen. These reductions were caused by the formation of 180 dcmain wall parallel to the annealing field due to the induced anisotropy.
