Design of the Speech Signal Processores for Cochlear Prosthesis

청각 보철용 음성신호 처리기의 설계

  • 박상희 (연세대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
  • 최두일 (연세대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
  • 백승화 (명지대학교 공과대학 제어계측과)
  • Published : 1991.12.01


Two types of the speech signal processores (SSP) for the cochlear a prosthesis are designed. One is designed using the cochlear model and the other is designed using the information (formant, pitch, intensity) extraction method. For these, some cochlear model and acoustic information extraction method are proposed. The result shows the SSP of the cochlear model type contain more acoustic cues than that of information extraction type. On the other hand, stimulus signal is clear and algorithm is simple in the SSP of the information ex traction type.



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