울산 지역 비금속광물 및 암석 분류를 위한 원격탐사 자료처리

Remote Sensing Data Processing of the Ulsan Area for Classification of Non-metallic Minerals and Rocks

  • 발행 : 1991.12.01


Feature enhancement combined with some pattern recognition techiques were applied to the Remote Sensing Data for geological mapping with particular emphasis on non-me-tallic ore deposits and their related geologies. The area chosen is north of Ulsan, the size of which is about 400km$^2$. The geology of the area consists mainly of volcanics, volcanic sediments and clastic sediments of Miocene age, underlain by the Kyungsang sediments of Cretaceous age. The mineralization occurs in tuffs or along the bedding plane of tuffaceous sediments, the main products of which are Kaolinite and Bentonite. The outcrops or mine dumps in the study area were most effectively extracted on the histrogram normalized image of TM Band 1 and 2, due to their high reflectivity. These may be confused with some artificial features, like slate roof complex of the poultry farm or cement ground, which should be classified by field checking. Detailed examination of enhancment image combined with pattern recognition techniques made enable to classify different rocks and thereby extract volcanic products which are mainly related to non-metallic ore deposits in the study area.
