도시주부의 가정관리행동유형과 가정생활만족

Family Life Satisfaction and Home Management Behavior Patterns: For Urban housewives

  • 조미환 (한양대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과 대학원생)
  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze urban housewives' home management behavioral patterns focusing on the morphostatic and morphogenic in continuum, to estimate the level of their family life satisfaction and to determine the variables affecting family life satisfaction. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The tendency is that the wives have controlled in value orientation, and home management behavioral patterns are neutral, and they are somewhat satisfied in terms of family life satisfaction. 2. As for the causal variables, marriage duration, the number of children education, employment status of wives, and value orientation influence on home management behavioural patterns. 3. The variables which affect family life satisfaction significantly are number of children, wives' education level, family income, employment status of wives and value orientation. 4. In analyzing relation between wives' home management behavioual patterns and their family life satisfaction, those who prefer morphostatic patterns have higer level of life satisfaction. 5. From the path analysis, it was found that monthly family income, employment status of wives, wives' educationn level, and value orientation had positive effects on family life satisfaction, and home management behavioral patterns had negative effects on family life satisfaction.
