경상누층군 반야월층, 화산층 및 신양동층의 퇴적환경과 속성작용 -탄산염암을 중심으로-

Depositional Environments and Diagenetic History of the Panyawol, Hwasan, and Shinyangdong Formations, Kyongsang Supergroup, Korea -With Emphasis on Carbonate Rocks-

Lee, Kwang-Choon;Woo, Kyung-Sik;Paik, Kwang-Ho;Choi, Seung-Jin

  • 발행 : 19911000


경상북도 하양, 신령, 춘산 부근에는 주로 쇄설성암으로 구성된 경상누층군의 반야월층, 화산층 및 신양동층이 각각 분포한다. 이 층들 내에는 주로 스토모마톨라이트가 발달한 탄산염암이 협재하며 펠릿, 우이드, 개형충도 산출되어, 이들을 대상으로 퇴적환경과 속성작용에 대한 연구가 수행되었다. 본 퇴적층들은 7개의 암상으로 구분되는데 그들은 1) oolitic grainstone, 2) sandstone, 3) argillaceous limestone, 4) greenish siltstone/sandstone, 5) stromatolitic bafflestone, 6) black shale, 7) intraclastic packstone이다. 이 암상들은 호성상(lacustrine facies)과 호안상(shore facies)을 지시한다. 호안상은 연흔, 사층리, 벌레구멍, 수축렬(synaeresis crack)이 발달된 oolitic shore, pelletal shore 또는 sandy shore(sand flat) 상이며 sand flat 상은 건렬이 발달된 blckshore sandy/muddy flat 상과 스트로마톨라이트가 발달된 shoreface 상이다. 본 지역내의 석회암들은 천호속성작용, 천수속성작용 및 매몰속성작용을 거쳐왔다. 천호속성작용은 미크라이트화 작용과 방사상 섬유상 방해석(RFC), 포도상 아라고나이트 및 구과상 섬유상 방해석의 교결작용이 특징이다. 한편, 천수속성작용은 공극을 충진하는 등입질 방해석의 교결작용이, 매몰속성작용은 등입질 방해석과 백운석 및 석영에 의한 교결작용이나 교대작용이 특징으로 나타난다. 그리고, 본 연구지역에서 발견되는 속성작용의 산물들이 갖는 조직과 원소성분에 의하면 각 지역이 상이한 속성작용을 받은 것으로 나타나고 있다.

The sedimentary rocks of the Hayang Group are mostly composed of clastic rocks interbedded with calcareous mudrocks, and include stromatolitic and argillaceous limestones. The limestones and mudstones contain stromatolites along with pellets, ooids, ostracods, etc.. We have investigated the stromatolitic limestones of the Panyawol, Hwasan, and Shinyangdong Formations of the Hayang Group, Kyongsang Supergroup, near Hayang, Shinnyong, and Chunsan areas, Kyongsangbukdo, to delineate the depositional environments and diagenetic history. The sedimentary sequence can be divided into seven lithofacies: 1) oolitic grainstone, 2) sandstone 3) black argillaceous limestone, 4) greenish siltstone/sandstone, 5) stromatolitic baffle-stone, 6) black shale. and 7) intraclastic packstone. Each lithofacies represents lacustrine or shore facies. Shore facies includes oolitic, pelletal, or sandy shore (sandflat) with ripple marks, cross-laminations, burrows, and synaeresis cracks. Sandflat also includes backshore sandy/muddy flat with mudcracks and shoreface with stromatolites. The dominance of carbonate vs clastic shore was dependent upon the rate of carbonate production in the lake. The paragenetic sequence of the limestone in the study areas indicates that the rocks have undergone shallow lacustrine diagenesis, meteoric-phreatic diagenesis, and burial diagenesis. Shallow lacustrine diagenesis was characterized by micritization and cementation of radiaxial fibrous calcite (RFC), botryoidal aragonite, and spherulitic fibrous calcite. Meteoric-phreatic diagenesis involved equant calcite cementation filling the interparticle and vuggy pores as well as fractures, and burial diagenesis included cementation or replacement by equant calcite spar, (ferroan) dolomite, and quartz. Textural observation and elemental compositions of diagenetic products suggest that diagenetic history of all the three study areas has been different depending upon localities.



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  2. Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis;Development in Sedimentology 12 Bathurst, R.G.C.
  3. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.11 Cretaceous stratigraphy of southeast Korea Chang, K.H.
  4. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.13 Late Mesozoic stratigraphy;sedimentation and tectonics of southeastern Korea Chang, K.H.
  5. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.14 Late Mesozoic stratigraphy;sedimentation and tectonics of southeastern Korea(II) Chang, K.H.
  6. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.24 Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleocurrent analysis of Kyongsang Basin, Korea Chang, K.H.
  7. Jour. Paleont. Soc. Korea v.1 Spores and pollen from the Gyeongsang Supergroup, southeastern Korea and their chronologic and paleoecologic implications Choi, D.K.
  8. Jour. Paleont. Soc. Korea v.5 Paleopalynology of the Geoncheonri Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Geoncheon-Ahwa area, Korea Choi, D.K.
  9. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.21 Sedimentology and its implications for stratigraphic classifications of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin Choi, H.I.
  10. Jour. Geol. Soc. London v.143 Sedimentation and evolution of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, southeastern Korea Choi, H.I.
  11. Jour. Paleont. Korea v.3 Study on the Lower Cretaceous charophytes from the upper Gyeongsang Supergroup Choi, S.J.
  12. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.25 Fossil charophyte biostratigraphy of the Kyongsang Supergroup Choi, S.J.
  13. Jour. Sed. Petrology v.48 Lacustrine facies and stromatolites from the Middle Triassic of east Greenland Clemmensen, L.B.
  14. Depositional systems;A genetic approach to sedimentary geology Davis, R.A. Jr.
  15. Jour. Sed. Petrology v.29 Identification of carbonate minerals by staining methods Friedman, G.M.
  16. Jour. geol. v.80 Inter- and intrapillow limestones of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington Garrison, R.E.
  17. Modern stromatolites: A review;Calcareous Algae and Stromatolites Golubic, S.;Riding, R.(ed.)
  18. Handbook for the study of stromatolites and associated structures;Stromatolite News Letter, 14 Grey, K.;Kennard, J.M.(ed.);Burne, R.V.(ed.)
  19. Stromatolite morphogenesis in Shark Bay, Western Australia;Stromatolites Hoffamn, P.;Walter, M.R.(ed.)
  20. Sedimetology v.20 Rediaxial fibrous calcite: A replacement after acicular carbonate Kendall, A.C.;Tucker, M.E.
  21. Econ. Paleont. Miner. Spec. Publ. v.36 Radiaxial fibrous calcite: A reappraisal;Carbonate Cements Kendall, A.C.;Schneidermann, N.(ed.);Harris, P.M.(ed.)
  22. Jour. geol. Soc. Korea v.9 Sedimentary structure of the Gyeongsang Supergroup in northwestern part of the Gyeongsang Basin, southeastern Korea Kim, H.M.
  23. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.27 Magnetostratigraphy of the Chaeyaksan, Konchonri, and Jusasan Formations distributed in Taegu-Kyongju area Kim, K.H.;Kim, D.S.
  24. Jour. Paleont. Soc. Korea v.4 Occurrences of Cretaceous stromatolites in the Kyongsang Basin, Korea Lee, K.C.;Paik, K.H.
  25. Jour. Sed. Petrology v.48 Lacustrine stromatolites and associated sediments of the Pliocene Ridge Route Formation, Ridge Basin, California Link, M.M.;Osborne, R.H.;Awramik, S.M.
  26. Jour. Geol. v.72 Classification and environmental significance of algal stromatolites Logan, B.W.;Rezak, R.;Ginsburg, R.N.
  27. Jour. Sed. Petrology v.47 Microdolomite inclusions in cloudy prismatic calcites: A proposed criterion for former high magnesium calcite Lohmann, K.C.;Meyers, W.J.
  28. Basic field and laboratory methods for the study of stromatolites;Stromatolites Preiss, W.V.;Walter, M.R.(ed.)
  29. Sed. Geol. v.68 Internal precipitation of microcrystalline carbonate: A fundamental problem for sedimentologists Reid, R.P.;Macintyre, I.G.;James, N.P.
  30. Depositional sedimentary environments Reineck, H.E.;Singh, I.B.
  31. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner. Spec. Publ. v.36 Aragonite cements and their occurrence in ancient limestones;Carbonate Cements Sandberg, P.A.;Schneidermann, N.(ed.);Harris, P.M.(ed.)
  32. Spec. Publ. Int. Ass. Sediment. v.2 Permian SaarNahe Basin and Recent Lake Constance (Germany): Two environments of lacustrine algal carbonates;Modern and Ancient Lake Sediments Schafer, A.;Stapf, K.G.;Matter, A.;Tucker, M.E.(ed.)
  33. Lower Cretaceous geology and paleontology (Charophyta) of central Kyongsang Basin Korea Seo, S.J.
  34. Lacustrine stromatolites, Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming;Stromatolites Surdam, R.C.;Wray, J.L.;Walter, M.R.(ed.)
  35. Japan Jour. Geol. Geogr. v.17 Non-marine molluscan faunule of the Shiragi Series in south Tyosen Suzuki, K.
  36. KIER Bull. v.36 Geological and geochemical studies on the Gyeongsang Supergroup in the Gyeongsang Basin Um, S.H.;Choi, H.I.;Son, J.D.;Oh, J.H.;Kwak, Y.H.;Shin, S.C.;Yun, H.S.
  37. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. v.69 The paleoecology of the Carboniferous reef complex and shelf limestones of Northwest Derbyshire Wolfenden, E.B.
  38. Geological map of Korea (1 : 50.000), Sinryeong sheet Won, C.K.;So, C.S.;Yun, S.
  39. Isotopic-textural-chemical studies of Mid-Cretaceous limestones: Implications for carbonate diagenesis and paleoceanography Woo, K.S.
  40. Jour. Oceanol. Soc. Korea v.24 Textural. isotopic. and chemical investigation of cultured pearls Woo, K.S.
  41. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.25 Carbonate diagenesis of skeletal and nonskeletal components and diagenetic histories of the carbonate rocks of the Choseon Supergroup, Taebaeg City, Korea: 1. Textural results Woo, K.S.
  42. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea Marine pisolites in the Lower Ordovician Dongjeom Formation, Taebaeg City, Korea Woo, K.S.
  43. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.26 Diagenetic histories of the Lower Ordovician Mungok Formation near Machari area. Yeongweol, Kangweondo, Korea: Textural results Woo, K.S.;Chung, G.S.;Paik, I.S.
  44. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.27 no.2 Cretaceous lacustrine radial ooids in the Kyongsang Basin. Korea: Paleoclimatic implications Woo, K.S.;Lee, K.C.;Paik, K.H.
  45. Jour. Sed. Petrology Diagenesis of skeletal and nonskeletal components of Mid-Cretaceous limestones Woo, K.S.;Anderson, T.F.;Sandberg, P.A.
  46. Bull. Geol. Surv. Korea v.12 New discovery of Charophyta and non-marine Silla Group Yoo, E.K.
  47. Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.7 Non-marine Silla Group Yoo, E.K.