Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Volume 9
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- Pages.127-133
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- 1991
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- 2287-271X(pISSN)
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- 2288-0356(eISSN)
Inheritance of Resistance to Bacterial Spot and to Phytophthora Blight in Pepper
고추의 더뎅이병(病) 저항성(抵抗性)과 역병(疫病) 저항성(抵抗性)의 유전(遺傳)
Kim, Byung Soo
(Dept. of Horticulture, Coll. of Agriculture, Kyungpook National Univ.) ;
- Kwon, Young Seok (Dept. of Horticulture, Coll. of Agriculture, Kyungpook National Univ.) ;
- Shon, Eun Young (Dept. of Horticulture, Coll. of Agriculture, Kyungpook National Univ.)
- Published : 1991.12.30
PI201232, a pepper line resistant to Phytophthora capsici Leonian, was crossed with PI2713222 and P1163192, resistant to Xanthomonas campestTis pv. vesicatoria (Doidge) Dye and inheritance of the resistance to each disease and genetic relationship between the two disease resistances was studied. Non-hypersensitive resistance to race 3 of X. c. pv. vesicatoria of PI271322 was inherited in a quantitative mode. Resitance to P. capsici of PI201232 was inherited in a mode close to two dominant alleles. Hypersensitive resistance to race 1 of X. c. pv. vesicatoria of PI271322 was inherited in a mode of single dominant allele. PI 163192 was consistently resistant to both race 1 and race 3 of X c. pv. vesicatoria and the resistance was inherited in a quantitative mode with high dominance effect. Resistance to X. c. pv. vesicatoria was inherited independently from resistance to P. capsici.
역병에 저항성인 PI201232와 더뎅이병 저항성인 PI271322와 PI163192를 교배하여 각 병해에 대한 저항성과 두가지 병해 저항성간의 유전적 관계를 검토하였다. 더뎅이병균 race 3에 대한 PI271322의 비과민반응형 저항성은 양적으로 유전하였다. PI201232의 역병에 대한 저항성은 2개의 우성유전자에 가까운 양식으로 유전하였다. PI271322의 더뎅이병균 race 1에 대한 과민반응형 저항성은 한개의 우성유전자 양식으로 유전하였다. PI163192는 더뎅이병균 race에 비특이적으로 저항성이었으며 우성효과가 큰 양적유전 양식으로 유전하였다. 더뎅이병균에 대한 저항성은 역병에 대한 저항성과는 독립적으로 유전하였다.