폐쇄식 사육 장치내에서 틸라피아(Oreochromis niloticus)의 성장

Growth of the Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, in the Closed Aquaculture System

  • 발행 : 1991.05.01


1987년 4월 10일부터 10월 16일까지 $4,000\;\ell$ 콘크리트 탱크 및 $270\;\ell$ 유리 수조를 이용한 폐쇄순환여과사육장치내에서 크기에 따른 일일성장률과 사료계수를 측정하기 위하여 다음과 같은 실험을 실시하였다. 실험에 사용된 어체의 크기는 평균체중 7 g 에서 1,000 g 되는 일본계통 틸라피아 Oreoohromis niloticus 였다. 매실험마다 최초방양 무게는 콘크리트 탱크에서는 200 kg (수량의 $5{\%}$), 유리 수조에서는 $10{\~}20$ kg (수량의 $3.7\%{\~}7.4\%$)으로 조절하였다. 매실험사육기간은 14일 전후였다. 수온은 $26^{\circ}C$ 내외로 유지시키도록 했는데, 약간의 변화는 피할 수 없었다. 용존산소는 약 $3\;mg/\ell$ 이내로 조절하였으며, 암모니아는 유리 수조에서 일시 $18\;mg/\ell$ 까지 상승한 적도 있으나, 일반적으로 $4\;mg/\ell$ 이었으며, 콘크리트 탱크에서는 약 $1\;mg/\ell$ 로 유지되었다. 어체중 약 10 g에서의 사료계수는 0.9, 일일성장률은 $3.5{\%}$ 였으며, 어체중 약 800 g 때의 콘크리트 탱크에서의 일일성장률은 $0.8{\%}$, 유리 수조에서의 일일성장률은 약 $0.5{\%}$이었다. 실험어는 대두정을 주성분으로 한 $32{\%}$ 조단백질을 함유한 사료를 공급하였다. 이번 실험의 결과에 따라서 식용어로 될 수 있는 틸라피아를 생산하는데 소요되는 기간은 계산상 다음과 같이 나타났다 즉, 콘크리트 탱크($7m^{2}$)에서는 50 g 되는 치어를 방양하여 1,000 g 까지 기르는데 223일 걸리며, 유리 수조에서는 10 g되는 치어를 방양 800 g 까지 기르는데 302일이 걸린다.

A series of rearing experiments were conducted to determine the growth rates and feed conversion efficiencies of tilapia in accordance with body size or age in nearly total closed system glass aquariums ($270\;\ell$ each in water volume) and concrete tanks ($4000\;\ell$) from April 10 to October 16, 1987. The fish used for the experiments was a Japanese strain of Oreochromis niloticus, and the size of the fish ranged from 7 g to more than 1,000 g in body weight. The starting stocking rates for each experimental lot were 10 to 20 kg in the glass aquarium ($3.7{\%}$ to $7.4{\%}$ of water volume) and 200 kg in the concrete tank ($5{\%}$ of water volume). A single experimental rearing term was 14 days with slight variations on occasions. Water temperature was designed to be kept at $26^{\circ}C$ but slight fluctuations were inevitable. Dissolved oxygen level was designed to be maintained at around $3\;mg/\ell$, but it also showed some variations. The ammonia level in the glass aquarium section once reached up to $18\;mg/\ell$, but generally remained at around $4\;mg/\ell$, and in the concrete tank section it was maintained at around $1\;mg/ell$. The feed was composed of mainly soybean meal with a small amount of fish meal as the protein source, and the crude protein content was about $32{\%}$. Mean daily growth rate was $3.5{\%}$ of body weight with 0.9 in food conversion ratio in the glass aquarium when the mean weight of fish was around 10 g with gradually reduced performances as the fish grew bigger. When the mean weight was 800 g, mean daily growth rate was $0.5{\%}$ with about 1.5 in food coversion for fish in the glass aquarium, and $0.8{\%}$ and 1.6 for fish in the concrete tank, respectively. According to the mean growth rate obtained from this experiment, it was calculated that the fish reared in the concrete tank require 223 days from 50 g to reach 1,000 g which is the ideal size for market in Korea, at the conditions provided as above, and 302 days from 10 g fingerlings to 800 g fish in the glass aquarium conditions of the closed recirculating water system.
