커피와 MMPI와의 관련성

The Study on the Relations of Coffee and MMPI

  • 서은미 (원광대학교 대학원 한의학과)
  • Seo Eun-Mi (Dept of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Won-Kwang University)
  • 발행 : 1991.12.30


This clinical study was done to investigate how the perticular elements of coffee reflects a person using MMPI (Minesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) as a guide. This study was done based on the sample groups of 29 coffee-drinking-studensts and 21 non-coffee-drinking students. The results were as follows ; 1. The mean T-scores on all the scales were within normal range in coffee-drinking-group. 2. The personal traits of coffee-drinking-group showed elevated scales of Hs, D, Hy and Pt and showed 3, 1, 2 profile type. 3. Comparing non-coffee-drinking-group with coffee-drinking-group, scales of Hs, D, Hy, Mf, Pt, Ma were significantly higher in the latter. 4. According to pattern analysis, Psycho-neurotic trait was recognized in 62.07% of non-coffee-drinking-group, 76.19% of coffee-drinking-group. As a result, aboves support the exiting hypothesis that coffee give rise to Blood-asthenia(血虛) and Spleen-Lack of transports(脾不運化) and have an influence on neurosis, psychosis and sleep disturbance.



  1. 黃齊內經 v.二十六 素問 八正神明論篇 張;馬(合注)
  2. 黃齊內經 v.四十三 素問 痺論篇 張;馬(合注)
  3. 黃齊內經 v.八 靈樞 本神篇 張;馬(合注)
  4. 黃齊內經 v.三十 靈樞決氣篇 張;馬(合注)
  5. 黃齊內經 v.三十 靈樞 平人絶穀篇 張;馬(合注)
  6. 黃齊內經 v.七十一 靈樞 邪客篇 張;馬(合注)
  7. 원광대학교 한의과대학 논문집 虛症이 簡易精神診斷檢査에 미치는 影響 邢完龍
  8. 圖說病態生理 와 藥의 作用 金在白
  9. 東醫精神科學 柳熙英
  10. 藥理學 講義 李宇柱
  11. 臟腑辯證論治 金完熙(外)
  12. 新脾胃論 索延昌
  13. 韓方病理學 各論 鄭遇悅
  14. 東醫寶鑑 血門 許俊
  15. 최신 임상정신의학 이근우(외)
  16. 現代飮料槪論 김동승
  17. 다면적 인성검사(MMPI) 김영환
  18. 다면적 인성검사 김중술
  19. 식품화학 안승효
  20. MMPI 규준표 임상병리학회
  21. 食品化學 한명규
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  23. 영남대학교 식품영양학 논문집 Caffein 添加食料가 白鼠의 혈청 및 간장성분에 미치는 영향 안태영
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