보중익기탕(補中益氣湯)의 투여(投與)가 자외선(紫外線) 조사(照射)로 저하(低下)된 마우스의 면역(免疫) 기능(機能)의 회부(恢復)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • 민용태 (원광대학교 대학원 한의학과) ;
  • 강순수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실)
  • Published : 1991.10.30




  1. 濟生新篇 康命吉
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  3. 現代方劑學 金光湖(外)
  4. 晴崗醫鑑 金永勳
  5. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙
  6. 診療要鑑 金定濟
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  8. 漢方臨床四十年 朴炳昆
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  10. 漢方臨床學 裵元植
  11. 申氏本草學 申佶求
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  13. 方藥合編解說 辛載鑛
  14. 東醫學의 方法論 硏究 尹吉榮
  15. 東醫方劑學 尹吉榮
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  17. 免疫學入門 鄭憲鐸(外)
  18. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  19. 漢方臨床入門 崔錫虎
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  21. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
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  23. 方藥合編 黃道淵
  24. 天眞處方解說
  25. 慶熙大學校 大學院 博士學位論文 人蔘水鍼이 Methotrexate를 投與한 생쥐의 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 高敬錫
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  35. 最新醫學 v.12 no.2 人蔘抽出液이 X-線照射에 의한 흰쥐 皮膚肥滿細胞에 미치는 影響 서병호
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  37. 慶熙大學校 大學院 硬士學位論文 水蔘, 白蔘 및 紅蔘이 細胞性 免疫反應 및 體液性 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 吳勇性
  38. 圓光大學校 大學院 博士學位論文 葛根解肌湯이 마우스의 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 禹貞淳
  39. 카톨릭의대論文집 v.15 人蔘이 正常횐쥐 및 X-線照射를 받은 흰쥐 皮膚肥滿細胞에 미치는 影響 유일성
  40. 圓光大學校 大學院 博士學位論文 補中益氣湯 및 加減方이 白鼠와 家兎의 摘出子宮 및 血管運動에 미치는 影響 尹用甲
  41. 慶熙大學校 大學院 碩士學位論文 補中益氣湯의 效能에 관한 實驗的 硏究 李相日
  42. 慶熙大學校 大學院 碩士學位논문 생쥐 細網內皮系 機能低下에 미치는 補中益氣湯의 效果 李宰熙
  43. 慶熙大學校 大學院 碩士學位논문 陽虛證 誘發에 의한 補中益氣湯 및 六味地黃湯의 效果
  44. 圓光大學校 大學院 碩士學位논문 人蔘과 黃耆가 白鼠의 遲延性 過敏反應 및 抗體形成能에 미치는 影響 張敬善
  45. 카톨릭의대論文집 v.2 人蔘이 正常 및 疼痛 또는 스트레스를 받은 생쥐 淋巴組織에 미치는 影響 전종수
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  47. 大韓免疫學會誌 v.1 no.1 人蔘에 관한 細菌學 및 免疫學的 硏究 제 3보,人蔘이 mouse의 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 河大有(外)
  48. 圓光大學校 大學院 博士學位논문 十全大補湯加鹿茸이 마우스의 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 黃忠淵
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  99. 日藥理誌 v.66 生藥の抗アレルギ-作用につぃての吟味 江田昭英등
  100. 日藥理誌 v.66 生藥の抗アレルギ-作用につぃての吟味 江田昭英등
  101. 日藥理誌 v.80 和韓藥の抗アレルギ-作用 江田昭英등
  102. 藥用人蔘 v.89 no.16 免疫系に對する藥用人蔘の作用 森澤 成司
  103. 藥學雜誌 v.105 no.10 藥用人蔘の藥理學的硏究 (第7報) 紅蔘の感染防 作用 その1マウス鋼內系の貪食活性化作用 松田秀秋등
  104. 第11回 和韓藥 シンポウム 免疫反應に及甘草有效成分の調節效果 態谷朗등
  105. 第 11回 和漢藥 シンポウム 甘草成分の免疫抑制效果に關する硏究 八倉隆保등
  106. J. Immu-nol. Meth. v.86 A fluorescence NK assay using flow cytometry McGrinnes, K;m Chopman, G.;Marks, R.;Penny, R.
  107. Immunopharmacol. v.15 Functio-nal and numerical alterations induced by ethanol in the cellular immune system Mufti, S. I.;Prahhala, R.;Moriguchi;Sipes, I. G.;Watson, R. R.
  108. J Immunol. v.140 The human MHC-rest-ricted cellular response to herpes simp-lex virus type 1 is mediated by CD4 helper(+), CD8 suppressor(+) T cells and restricted to the DR region of the MHC Complex Schmid, D. S.
  109. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. v.86 Natural cytotoxicity in adult acute leukemia Soerskaar, D.;Foerre, Oe.;Albrechtsen, D.;Slavem, P.
  110. Immunology Ivan Roitt
  111. Immunology Ivan Roitt
  112. Journal of immunology v.129 Protection of neonatal mice against herpes simplex virus infection Kohl, S;Loo, L. S.
  113. In Advnces in Expermental Medicine and Biology v.146 Mecha-nism of cell-mediated cytotoxicity Clark, W. R.;Golstein, P.
  114. J Clin invest v.56 The role of supero-xide anion and hydrogen metabolic reaction Baehner RL.;Murmann SK.;Davis J.;Johnson RB
  115. J LAB CLINMED v.89 The effect of dodium azide on the chemiluminescense of granulocytes Sagone AL Jr;Mendelson DS;Met EN
  116. Arch Biochem Biophys v.176 Superoxide dismutase and oxygen enhancement of radiation lethali Misra HP;Firidovich I
  117. Biolumi-nescence and chemiluminescence Proceedings of the Ⅵ International Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence symposium J schol merich;R Andreesen
  118. Immunology v.14 A Kinetic Study of Antibody Producing Cells in the Spleen of Mice Immunized Intravenously with sheep erythrocytes Biozzi G.;Stiffel, C.;Mounton, D.;Bou-thiller, Y.;Decrusefound, C.
  119. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. v.51 Immunopotentiation with BCGII, modulaton of the response to sheep red blood cells Miller, T E.(et al)
  120. Immunology v.34 Delayed hypersensitivity in mice induced by intravenous sensitzation with sheep erythrocytes:evidence for tuberuclin type delayed hypersensitivity of the reaction Mitsuoka, A.(et al)
  121. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. Proc. v.59 Thymusmarrow Cell Combination Synergism in antibody Production Claman, H. N.;Chaperon, E. A.;Triplett, R. F.
  122. v.5 The failure of thymus-derived cells to produce antibody Transplantation Davis, A. J. S.(et al)
  123. Antigen-Antibody interactions in basic exercises in immunochemistry Nowotny, A.;Springer,Verlag;Bertin;Heidelberg
  124. Immunology immunopathology and immunity Sells, S.
  125. Nature v.202 A simple method of detection single antibody forming cells Zaalberg, O. B.
  126. Cell. Immunol. v.101 Modification of the murine immune sysem by glucocorticosteroids of circulating Iymphocytes Chung, H. T.;Samlowski, W. E.;Daynes, R. A.
  127. Cell. Immunol. v.109 Ferritin selectively suppresses delayed-type hypersensitivity responses at induction or effector phase Kakayuki, H.(et al)
  128. J. Immunol. v.127 The effects of ultraviolet irradiation on the genera-tion of anti tumor cytotoxic effector cell response in vitro Lynch, D. H.;Daynes, R. A.
  129. Immunol. v.120 Inhibition of delayed hypersensitivity reactions in mice by colchicine. : Mechanism of inhibition of contact hypersensitivity in vivo Cell Mekori, Y. A.(et al)
  130. Immunol. v.34 Delayed hypersensitivity in mice induced by intravenous sensitization with sheep erythrocyte evidence for tuberculin type delayed hypersensitivity of the reaction Mituoka, A.(et al.)
  131. Leukocyte function v.57 Lab. Investigation. Valk, P. V. D.;Herman, C. J.
  132. Introduction Immunology Tizard, An.
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  135. Adv. Vet. Sci. Comp. Med. v.23 Effect of environmental contaminants on the immune system Koller, L. D.
  136. N. Engl. J. Med. v.298 Oxygen-dependent microbial killing by phagocytes Babior, B. M.
  137. T and B Lymphocytes Origins, properties, and Roles in immune Respones Greaves, M. F.;Owen, J. J. T.;Raff, M. C.
  138. Clin. Exp. Immunol. v.9 Lym-phocytes activation. I. Response of T and B Iymphocytes to phytomitogens Jannosy, G.;Greaves, M. F.
  139. Fed, Proc. v.34 Development of B Iymphocytes Miller, R. G.;Phillips, R. A.
  140. J. Korean Immunol. Glycyrrhizin shpresses the C-H by affecting the efferent phase of cell mediated immunity in mice Chung, H. T.(et al)
  141. Medical and Phamaceutices Session v.1 no.1 Involvement of prostagrandins in the immune aqlterations caused by the exposure of mice to ultraviolet radiation. Report on Result of International Academic Interexchange Chung, H. T.(et al.)
  142. The effects of dietary T-2 toxin on the NK-cell activity and on the reactivation of pseudorabies virus in NMRI mice Buetlner, M.;Bauer, J.
  143. Immunol., Meth. v.63 Isolation and functional characterization of chicken intestinal intraepotherial Iymphocytes showing natural killer cell activity against tumor target cells Chais, J. Y.;Lillehoi, H. S.
  144. Ann. Rev. pharmacol v.9 Plant, substances and nonspecific resistance. Brekhman, I. I.(et al.)
  145. PlantaMed. v.50 Immunomodulatory activity of Panax Ginseng extrat Singh, V. K.(et al.)
  146. Agent and Action v.15 Immunomodulatory effects of Panax Ginseng C. A Meyer in the mouse Yu Han Jie(et al.)
  147. Planta Med. v.50 Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba Yamada Haruki(et al.)
  148. J. Pjarma-cobio-Dyn. v.8 Lymphocyte activation by a polysaccharide fraction separated from hot water extracts of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa Kumazawa Yoshio(et al.)
  149. J. Korean Immunol. Glycyrrhizin suppresses the contact hypersensitivity by affecting the efferent phase of cell me-diated immunity in mice Chung, H. T.(et al.)
  150. Medical and Phamaceutices Session v.1 no.1 Immunomodulation by Ultraviolet Radiation. : Prostaglandins Appear to by Involved in the Molecular Mechanisms Responsible for UVR-Induced Changes in Immune Function Report on Result of International Academic Interexchange Chung, H. T.(et al.)
  151. Medical and Phamaceutices Session v.1 no.1 Elucidation of the Inhibitory Immune Mechanism of the Contact Hypersensitivity in Mice Induced by Ultraviolet Irradiation Report on Result of International Academic Interexchange Chung, H. T.(et al.)
  152. Medical and Phamacetutices Session v.1 no.1 Photoimmunology Report on Result of International Academic Interexchange Chung, H. T.(et al.)