Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture (한국식생활문화학회지)
- Volume 6 Issue 1
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- Pages.61-69
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- 1991
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- 1225-7060(pISSN)
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- 2288-7148(eISSN)
Brewing Method and Composition of Traditional Dungge-Jang in Kyungsang-Do Area
경상도지방 전통 등겨장의 제법조사와 성분에 관한 연구
Choi, Cheong
(Department of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University)
(영남대학교 식품가공학과)
- Published : 1991.03.30
Brewing method and quality of 10 sample of traditional Dungge-Jang in Kyungsang-Do area were investigated. In order to improve the taste of Dungge-Jang, some amount of boiled bean was added in the Dungge-Jang at early stage of fermentation. The level of amino nitrogen turned out to be low while that of water soluble protein and salt soluble protein was high. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and proline were the major amino acid in water and salt soluble protein in traditional Dungge-Jang in Kyungsang-Do area. The content of total sugar and free reducing sugar were found to be considerably high, and among the free sugar, glucose was the highest
경상도지방의 전통적인 등겨장제법을 조사하고 10종의 시료를 채취하여 성분분석 및 관능시험으로 품질을 평가하였다. 등겨장의 맛을 좋게 하기 위하여 부원료는 적당량의 콩 등을 첨가하여 주로 자연 숙성방법으로 등겨장을 제조하고 있다. 전통 등겨장의 성분 중 아미노태질소 함량은 낮았으며 수용성 및 염용해성 단백질의 아미노산 조성은 다같이 glutamic acid, aspartic acid 및 proline의 함량이 많았다. 등겨장의 당의 함량은 대체로 높았으며 유리당 중 glucose의 함량이