Korean Journal of Weed Science (한국잡초학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 3
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- Pages.192-196
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- 1990
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- 0253-7648(pISSN)
Classification of Herbicidal Spectrum by Two-Dimensional Ordination Analysis in Soybean Field
대두포장(大豆圃場)에서의 Two-dimensional Ordination 분석법(分析法)에 의한 제초제(除草劑) 살초(殺草) Spectrum 분류(分類)
Kang, B.H.
(College of Agriculture, Korea University) ;
- Kim, H.S. (College of Agriculture, Korea University) ;
Kim, T.W.
(College of Agriculture, Korea University) ;
- Yong, P.S. (College of Agriculture, Korea University) ;
- Ahn, C.W. (College of Agriculture, Korea University)
- Published : 1990.09.30
Eleven herbicides were treated in soybean fields of Dukso and Yeoncheon in Gyeonggi province. These herbicides were classified by two-dimensional ordination analysis based on important values of the weed flora which were obtained after application of herbicides. Weed community types were E. crus-galli(56%)-D. adscendens (14%) -C. album (10%)-P. oleracea (8%) and P. oleracea (58%)-E. crus-galli (29%) -A. mangostanus (5%) -D. adscendens (3%), respectively. From soybean field at Dukso, 11 weed community types or 11 herbicide groups were obtained. And at Yeoncheon, 9 weed community types or 9 herbicide groups were classified. At treated blocks with clomazone and bentazon, C. amuricus and E. crus-galli dominated respectively. And at treated blocks with quizalofop, haloxifop and alloxydium, P. oleracea dominated remarkably. The herbicides classification by the two-dimensional ordination analysis could be used more effectively to selecting herbicides for reciprocal and systematic weed control than by similarity analysis.
Two-dimensional 분석법(分析法)이 잡초(雜草)와 제초제(除草劑) 군락형(群落型)을 분류(分類), 제초제(除草劑)의 합리적(合理的)인 혼합처리(混合處理) 방법(方法) 모색(摸索) 및 대두포장(大豆圃場)에서 발생(發生)한 잡초군락(雜草群落)에 따른 효과적(效果的)인 제초제(除草劑) 선발(選拔)을 예찰(豫察)하기 위한 방법(方法)으로 이용되었다. 그 결과(結果)는 아래와 같이 요약(要約)되었다. 1. 11종(種)의 제초제(除草劑)를 피(56%) - 명아주(10%)-쇠비름(8%) 잡초군락형(雜草群落型)인 덕소의 대두포장(大豆圃場)에서 처리(處理)한 결과(結果) 11개(個) 군(群)으로 분류(分類)되었고 쇠비름(58%) - 피(29%) - 참비름(5%) - 바랭이(3%) 잡초군락형(雜草群落型)인 연천의 대두포장(大豆圃場)에 처리(處理)한 결과(結果) 9개군(個群)으로 분류(分類)되었다. 2. Clomazone 처리구(處理區)에서는 Quzalofopmethyl, Haloxfop 및 Kusagard 처리구(處理區)에서는 쇠비름, Bentazon 처리구에서는 피의 우점(優占)이 뚜렷하였다. 3. Two-dimensional ordination 분석법(分析法)이 단순히 유하성계수(類似性係數)를 이용하는 것보다 더 효과적(效果的)으로 제초제(除草劑) 살초(殺草) spectrum 증대 및 혼합처리(混合處理) 또는 체계처리(體系處理)를 위한 제초제(除草劑) 선발(選拔)에 이용할 수 있는 자료(資料) 제공(提供)이 더 용이하였다.