An Integrated Robot-Trajectory-Planning Scheme for Spray Painting Operations

스프레이 페인팅 작업을 위한 일관화된 로보트 궤적계획법에 관한 연구

  • 서석환 (포항공과대학 산업공학과) ;
  • 우인기 (포스테이터(주) 물류시스템부)
  • Published : 1990.10.31


The use of robots for painting operations is a powerful alternative as a means for automation and quality improvement. A typical method being used for motion planning of the painting robot is to guide the robot along the desired path : the "lead-through" method. Although this method is simple and has been widely used, it has several drawbacks a) The robot cannot be used during the teaching period, b) A human is exposed to a hostile environment, c) The motions taught are, at best, human's skill level. To deal with the above problems, an integrated robot-trajectory planning scheme is presented. The new scheme takes CAD data describing the shape and geometry of the objects, and outputs an optimal trajectory in the sense of coating thickness and painting time. The purpose of this paper is to investigate theoretical backgrounds for such a scheme including geometric modeling, painting mechanics and robot trajectory planning, and develop algorithms for generating spray gun paths and minimum-time robot trajectories. Future study is to implement these algorithms on an workstation to develop an integrated software system ; ATPS(Automatic Trajectory Planning System) for spray painting robots.



Supported by : 한국과학재단