미곡시장(米穀市場) 구조변화(構造變化)와 가격지지정책(價格支持政策)

The Rice Price Support Program in the midst of Structural Change

  • 발행 : 1990.09.28


1990년대에 들어 한국(韓國)의 미곡시장(米穀市場)은 대내외적(對內外的)으로 새로운 변화를 겪고 있다. 대외적(對外的)으로는 "우루과이라운드" 및 쌍무협정을 통해 대외개방(對外開放)과 생산보조금(生産補助金)의 감축에 대한 압력에 직면해 있고, 대내적(對內的)으로도 쌀소비의 감소(減少)로 1989년부터는 정부수매가격(政府收買價格)이 도매가격(都賣價格)을 상회하는 구조적(構造的)인 문제가 나타났다. 이러한 가격역전현상(價格逆轉現象)은 민간상인(民間商人)의 재고기능(在庫機能), 계절적(季節的) 가격안정기능(價格安定機能), 유통기능(流通機能)을 위축시키며, 정부재정(政府財政)에 주는 부담을 기하급수적으로 증가시킬 뿐만 아니라 미곡시장(米穀市場)의 가격구조(價格構造) 및 유통과정(流通過程)을 왜곡시키고 있다. 따라서 미가지지정책(米價支持政策)을 통환 증산(增産)보다는 농촌생활기반조성(農村生活基盤造成) 및 농업구조조정(農業構造調整)으로의 전환(轉換)이 필요하다. 그러나 농민들의 농업정책(農業政策)에 대한 불신, 농업기반(農業基盤)의 취약성, 그리고 정치적인 역학관계를 고려할 때 정부(政府)의 일방적인 지시보다는 농민이 선택할 수 있는 대안(代案)을 제시함이 바람직하며, 점진적인 구조개선(構造改善)이 필요하다고 생각된다. 이 논문에서는 전환기에 처한 한국(韓國) 미곡시장(米穀市場) 현황(現況) 대한 경제적(經濟的) 분석(分析)과 사회적(社會的) 비용(費用) 및 마찰(摩擦)을 최소화(最小化)하며 대내외(對內外) 환경변화에 적응할 수 있는 정책대안(政策代案)을 제시하고자 한다.

Encouraged by the investment in the rice paddy, the introduction of new varieties (Tong-Il), and the price support program, there has been great success in increasing rice production. Meanwhile, the demand for rice has decreased rapidly as per capita income continues to rise. Rice self-sufficiency has been attained, and a new over-supply problem is emerging. Moreover, the Uruguay Round Agricultural Negotiation would prohibit government price support for agricultural products. In October the Korean government decides the government purchase amount and support price, which works as the price guideline. All interested parties exert political efforts to influence the decision. The continued increase of the government purchase price of rice due to political pressure pushed the government purchase price above the market wholesale price in 1988. Also, the farmers preferred to sell to the government than to the wholesaler. This has discouraged the market mechanism, and the government is to take over the three functions of the market mechanism: stockpiling, seasonal price fluctuation adjustment, and circulation. Another big increase may cause the government purchase price to rise above the consumer price, which might lead to arbitrage opportunities for the farmers and suffocate the market mechanism. However, the current political situations limits the options for the Korean government. This paper argues that a supply control policy will reduce the social cost resulting from the high level of producer price support, and it proposes several second best policies: First, the production of new varieties should be reduced rapidly. Second, the old rice in the government warehouse should be auctioned or disposed of in order to reduce the government handling and management costs. Third, the acreage diversion program should be launched in order to control rice paddy acreage. Fourth, a social welfare program in rural areas should be introduced, since the share of population over 60 is increasing rapidly. Fifth, instead of the price support which is forbidden by the Uruguay Round, Korea should restructure the agricultural industry by developing new crops, by enhancing productivity and by improving the agricultural infrastructure.
