The Effects of Pressure, Wind Velocity, and Diameter of Wet Element on the Measurement of Relative Humidity by a Psychrometer

압력, 풍속 및 습구온도계의 크기가 건습구습도계를 이용한 상대습도 측정에 미치는 영향

  • 지대성 (한국표준연구소 습도연구실) ;
  • 김승태 (한국표준연구소 습도연구실) ;
  • 박찬복 (한국표준연구소 습도연구실)
  • Published : 1990.05.01


When the relative humidity is measured with an aspirated psychrometer, three factors, which affect the measurement of relative humidity, are atmospheric pressure, the size of wet element and the wind velocity. This paper investigated the effects of the above three factors, and the computer code was developed in order to enhance the accuracy of the relative humidity measurement. As results, it is found that the relative humidity decreases by 6%RH with increasing atmospheric pressure from 650 mbar to 1100 mbar. It is found that the relative humidity drops down when the size of the wet element increases, though the effect of the size of the wet element is not significant. Finally, relative humidity increases with the increasing wind velocity. The difference between the psychrometic table in the present KS and the present results is about 2%RH maximum. As a conclusion, the three factors mentioned above should be considered in order to secure accurate measurement of relative humidity.
